CelestHealth Solutions Research Group

The CelestHealth Research Group (CHRG) is a not-for-profit group that conducts research on behavioral health assessment and psychotherapy treatment outcomes. Mark Kopta, Ph.D., H.S.P.P., University of Evansville, is Founder and Executive Director. Some of the foremost research associates in the field who have contributed include Michael Mond, Ph.D, Johns Hopkins University; Stephen Saunders, Ph.D., Marquette University; Wolgang Lutz, Ph.D., University of Trier, Germany; Jesse Owen, University of Denver; and Craig Bryan, University of Utah.

Research References


The following articles present research related to our instruments or to our method of understanding and analyzing outcomes data.

Kopta, M., Owen, J., & Budge, S. (in press). Measuring psychotherapy outcomes with the Behavioral Health Measure-20: Efficient and comprehensive Psychotherapy.

Rubel, J., Lutz, W., Kopta, S.M., Kock, K., Zimmerman, D., Minami, T., & Saunders, S.M. (in press).  Defining Early Positive Response to Psychotherapy: An Empirical Comparison between Clinical Significant Change Criteria and Growth Mixture Modeling. Psychological Assessment.

Kopta, S.M., Petrik, M., Saunders, S., Mond, M., Hirsch, G., Kadison, R., & Raymond, D.   (2014). The utility of an efficient outcomes assessment system at university counseling centers. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. 97-116.


Owen, J.J., Adelson, J., Budge, S., Kopta, S.M., & Reese, R.J. (2014). Good-enough level and dose-effect models: Variation among outcomes and therapists.  Psychotherapy Research.


Bryan, C.J., Blount, T., Kanzler, K.A., Morrow, C. E., Corso, K.A., Corso, M.A., & Ray-Sannerud, B. (2014). Reliability and normative data for the Behavioral Health Measure (BHM) in primary care behavioral health settings. Family, Systems, and Health.

Stulz, N., Lutz, W., Kopta, S.M., Minami, T., & Saunders, S. (2013). The shape of the dose-effect relationship in outpatient psychotherapy: Does treatment duration matter? Journal of Counseling Psychoology, 1-8.

Bryan, C.J., Corso, M.L., Corso, K.A., Morrow, C.E., Kanzler, K.E.,& Ray-Sannerudd, B. (2012).  Severity of mental health impairment and trajectories of improvement in an integrated primary care clinic.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology80, 396-403.

Bryan, C.J., Kopta, S.M., & Lowes, B.D.  (2012). CelestHealth System: A new horizon for mental health treatment. Science and Practice, 2, 7-11.

Bryan, C.J., Corso, K.A., Neal-Walden, T.A., & Rudd, M.D. (2009). Managing suicide risk in primary care: Practice recommendations for behavioral health consultants. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 40, 148-155

Bryan, C.J., Morrow, C.E., & Appolonio, K.A.K. (2009). Impact of behavioral health consultant interventions on patient symptoms and functioning in an integrated family medicine clinic. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65, 281-293.

Corso, K.A., Bryan, C.J., Morrow, C.E., Appolonio, K.K., & Dodendorf, D. (2009). Managing posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in active-duty military personnel in primary care settings. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31, 119-136.

Jobes, D.A., Bryan, C.J., & Neal-Walden, T.A. (2009). Conducting suicide research in naturalistic clinical settings. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65, 382-395.

Jobes, D.A., Kahn-Greene, E., Greene, J. A., & Goeke-Morey, M . (2009). Clinical improvements of suicidal outpatients: Examining Suicide Status Form responses as predictors and moderators. Archives of Suicide Research, 13, 147-159.

Wolff, M.C. & Hayes, J.A. (2009). Therapist variables: Predictors of process in the treatment of alcohol and other drug problems. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 27, 51-65.

Bryan, C.J., Corso, K.A., Rudd, M.D., & Cordero, L. (2008). Improving identification of suicidal patients in primary care through routine screening. Primary Care and Community Psychiatry, 13, 143-147.

Stulz, N. & Lutz, W. (2007). Multidimensional patterns of change in outpatient psychotherapy: The phase model revisited. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63, 817-833.

Jobes, D.A.(2006). Managing Suicidal Risk:A Collaborative Approach. New York: The Guilford Press.

Green, J.L., Lowry, J.L., & Kopta, S.M.(2003). College students versus college counseling center clients: What are the differences? Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 17, 25-37.

Kopta, S.M. (2003). The dose-effect relationship in psychotherapy: A defining achievement for Dr. Kenneth Howard. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 59, 727-733.

Lowry, J. L. (2003). Overview of the Psychotherapy Outcome Assessment and Monitoring System (POAMS). Psychotherapy Bulletin, 38, 16-19.

Kopta, S.M. & Lowry, J.L. (2002). The dosage model in psychotherapy. In M. Hersen & W. Sledge (Eds.), Encyclopedia of psychotherapy. New York: Academic Press.

Kopta, S.M., & Lowry, J.L. (2002). Psychometric evaluation of the Behavioral Health Questionnaire-20: A brief instrument for assessing global mental health and the three phases of psychotherapy outcome. Psychotherapy Research, 12, 413-426.

Lutz, W., Lowry, J.L., Kopta, S.M., Einstein, D., & Howard, K.I. (2001). Prediction of dose-response relations based patient characteristics. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 889-900.

Kopta, S.M., Lueger, R.L., Saunders, S.M., & Howard, K.I. (1999). Individual psychotherapy outcome and process research: Challenges leading to greater turmoil or a positive transition? 1999 Annual Review of Psychology, 50, 441-469.

Leon, S.C., Kopta, S.M., Howard, K.I., & Lutz, W. (1999). Predicting patients' responses to psychotherapy: Are some more predictable than others? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67, 698-704.

Howard, K.I., Moras, K., Brill, P.L., Martinovich, Z., & Lutz, W. (1996). Evaluation of psychotherapy: Efficacy, effectiveness, and patient progress. American Psychologist, 51, 1059-1064.

Kopta, S.M., Howard, K.I., Lowry, J.L., & Beutler, L.E. (1994). Patterns of symptomatic recovery in psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62, 1009-1016.

Howard, K.I., Lueger, R.L., Maling, M.S., & Martinovich, Z. (1993). A phase model of psychotherapy: Causal mediation of outcome. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61, 678-685.

Howard, K.I., Kopta, S.M., Krause, M.S., & Orlinsky, D.E. (1986). The dose-effect relationship in psychotherapy. American Psychologist, 41, 159-164.